1. Take Photos
Photographs are taken from different angles around the object; the photographs are taken under the same lighting conditions and should not be blurred or low resolution.

2. Calculate Positions
The photogrammetry software aligns the photographs by finding common points and matching their positions. As more points are found and matched, the position at which each photograph was taken can be determined, and a sparse point cloud is created.

3. Generate Point Cloud
A dense point cloud is created by interpolating points on the sparse point cloud, using the photographs to add finer details.

4. Create Wireframe
The dense point cloud is converted to a wireframe model by connecting corresponding vertices.

5. Create Mesh
Once the wireframe model has been created, the surface is filled to make a mesh.

6. Add Texture
The original photographs are blended together to create a texture for the mesh.

7. Use 3D Models
The models can be exported for use in other 3D software packages or printed using a 3D printer.